Massachusetts Magician Joe Ferranti looks at the Modern Magician The Modern Magician David Blaine I’ve been working extensively lately, and I’m not complaining. However, this often leads me to present the same material repeatedly, and regardless of how many times I perform an effect, I must deliver it as if it were the first […]
Getting gigs While on Vacation I just had the pleasure of a week on the beach in Florida. For me, it was much needed. The winter was relentless in New England, and still it goes on. As we come so close to May. I’ve checked the weather, and our return will have temps in […]
Adult Birthday Party Magician Boston Massachusetts As we get older, many of us would like not to have any more Birthdays. (Ponce De Leon Syndrome!) A few brave seniors embrace their advancing age and continue to celebrate their good fortune with friends. One positive thinking individual not only embraced it but took care of the […]
Boston Magician performs for Harvard Business School MBA Class 2014 The sky was the limit for Harvard business school, or perhaps it was the bottom of the ocean floor. Regardless, the MBA class of 2014 celebrated in style on a rainy March night, at the New England Aquarium (1 Central Wharf Boston, MA 02110.) I […]
Card Magic Miracles Here’s a question I get from time to time. Do you just do card tricks? The short answer is no. This answer is true, convenient and helpful in securing work. To explain how one entertains with a deck of cards is extremely difficult. Variety is easier I do Magic tricks with many […]
JoeFerranti Strolling Magician performs at Casino Night in Boston. We can classify events into a few styles and a few attitudes. A Casino night is always a winner. Hundreds of people and everyone is in a good mood. So, this brings me to the Westin Hotel in Boston, Ma. (OMG) Yes, I’m easily impressed. Escalators, elevators… […]
Comedy Magician Boston Massachusetts The subject which comes first, the comedy or the magic, is a real discussion (debate) in the Magical circles. Since I’m not in a Magical circle, my thoughts are valid because this is my blog. Seriously, I understand this, some of the best performers and thinkers in Magic say that […]
Walk Around Magician Massachusetts Each year, I meet many people through my performances of magic. During the Holiday Season, companies are often looking for something different in entertainment for their celebrations. They’ve had other styles of entertainment in the past. That difference brings them to me. When they take the leap of faith, I never […]
The University of Massachusetts annual Winter Ball It was a pleasure to perform at the University of Massachusetts Medical School,for the annual Winter Ball. With three hundred people in attendance, it was a busy night performing Close-Up Magic. Presenting the Best in Close-Up Magic in Massachusetts Whenever performing for doctors or engineers, people wonder if […]
Massachusetts Magican performs Classic Magic! 21st Century technology and its use in Magic. It would be misleading if I said magicians don’t use 21st technology as an aid to create miracles, but you would be wrong to think it is the new “sleight of technology.” As far as creating a magic effect, there never have […]