Is Mind Reading Real?… Clairvoyance, telepathy, or the highly profitable channeler, is any of it real? Ahh…NO! I’ve never seen any evidence, and more importantly, the experts agree. “While Harry Houdini, whose name is synonymous with ‘magician,’ held a strong and skeptical view when it came to spiritualists and mediums. He was critical of those […]
How many of us have strived to perform a “Perfect Pass?” I used to believe there were magicians who could perform an “invisible pass” while their hands were being “burned.” (Burn means, the spectators are looking at your hands only, in hopes of catching the secret.) I certainly don’t demean the skill and hours […]
Magic and Illusion at the Devonshire Residences Boston. Magician or illusionist? I’d never given it any thought until I set my GPS for The Devonshire Residences in Boston, MA, where I’ve been hired to perform strolling magic for a Halloween Party. Driving to Boston is always a hassle, and there’s no way to arrive at […]
“I’m not a mind reader, but… I’m a good guesser.” I think I stole that line from Ray Kosby. But it’s perfect for the following trick. Here’s the effect… I spread a deck of cards before a spectator, and they think of one. I remove one card and place it in my vest pocket. Now […]
“The Fastest Hands in the World.” Honestly, few claim it. Many magicians frame it in a question…” Are these the fastest hands in the world?” There is actually a terminology for this. Are you ready? “JAQing Off.” This is an often-used technique by politicians, but it can work for magicians as well. It’s actually a […]
Discovering your “Space” and landing gigs. Moving forward, I am cutting back on the “event service” agencies. The investment in return on Gigs is not a win for me. I’ve got some work cut out for me. I have little choice, so I do my own SEO. Not my expertise. This is throwing spaghetti on […]
Magician for Hire, Boston Ma. I’ve been working as a “Semi Pro Magician” for a relatively short time…12 years. But the process of getting work is not remotely similar to when I began, what’s more the cost per client has risen beyond inflation. The first challenge is to inform potential clients that you exist. (Having […]
Magic Education in the Digital Age. My last blog focused on what is essential reading for magicians, or if that is becoming increasingly moot. However, there is no simple answer. I lean towards yes, but let’s look at our “student” of magic in the 21st century, compared to my day in the latter part of […]
Boston Magician Joe Ferranti remembers, The Expert at the Card Table My interest in magic, especially card magic, goes back over 50 years. As a child, the only learning sources available to me were in the public library. The books were few, and the secrets I desired were not to be found, at least not […]
Magician’s Perspective…” Reading the Room” 339-927-4710 Boston Massachusetts Close – Up Magician Joe Ferranti I was recently hired for my Strolling Magic for a 30th anniversary celebration. I always discuss these events with my clients in advance. The more I […]